Bonus Features

Final Defence: All Out Enemy Attack
Top-down Shooter – PC Only

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Works on OpenGL4.0+ compatible video cards.

A wave-based top-down shooter where eventual doom is certain. Wave 20 is as far as anyone has reached to our knowledge. Be certain to shoot us a screenshot if you manage to get any further!

This project was Adam Hulbert’s first complete game for PC using C++ and an OpenGL framework, it was completed in 2014.

Being new to vector math and enemy AI algorithms, Adam had to think outside of the box to make threatening yet not impossible enemies. Inspired with knowledge from watching Keith Peters’ series Coding Math he decided to experiment with gravitational forces to dictate the enemy movement. The player would be the centre of the world that the enemies were pulled towards. The hope was that this could create some Asteroids style physics for the enemy characters following the player.

The overall goal with this game was to make something simple to pick up and play with a steep difficulty curve as each wave is completed. Watching others play the game, it is clear that there is a tight balance between panic, relief and frustration as the player tries to survive each wave and better their high score.

Sound Credit
Gerant Kenneth is responsible for the soundtrack and game effects. All sounds were created using a Roland SH-201 synthesiser. The guideline for the soundtrack: 10 looping waves, impending doom, certain failure.